
Gun safety classes for elementary school kids

  • Source: Wish TV
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A gun safety course run by Watson Chamber Defense Institute is targeted towards children in grades 1st - 4th for their safety.
From Texas to New York to Utah, students continue to hold rallies and town halls calling for new gun regulations after repeated mass shootings. It is a political movement sparked by the massacre of 17 people at a Florida high school in February.
The Justice Department has reached a settlement with the Second Amendment Foundation and Defense Distributed, a collective that organizes, promotes, and distributes technologies to help home gun-makers.
Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke and the Trump Administration have proposed eliminating National Park Service rules that prohibit sport hunters from using certain extreme hunting methods like baiting brown bears and shooting wolf and coyote pups in dens on National preserve lands in Alaska. It’s a terrible idea for two reasons.
“President Trump has made another outstanding choice in nominating Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court. He has an impressive record that demonstrates his strong support for the Second Amendment,” said Chris W. Cox, Executive Director, NRA-ILA.
Seattle gun owners could soon face fines or community service for failing to safely store their firearms.
​Crowdfunding sites including Kickstarter and Indiegogo don’t allow gun-related campaigns or weapons as perks, which signaled an opportunity to Larry Lopata and his three partners.
About 50 pro-gun activists marched up and down a single city block in Los Angeles on Saturday, as part of a national event billed as the conservative alternative to the March for Our Lives, the gun control movement founded by survivors of the February school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
'Why do teachers have to die protecting their students? Why can't we live protecting our students?'
Gun shoppers browse the Trade Mart at the Great Southern Gun and Knife Show. The recent gun debate has not hurt attendance.
Police believe a Richmond homeowner was acting out of self-defense when an alleged robber entered his family's house early Friday morning.
Questions were raised about the viability of the ZKZM-500 laser assault rifle that is said to produce an 'energy beam' that cannot be seen by naked eye
On July 1st 2018, Idaho Senate Bill 1313 went into effect. This important piece of legislation, which improved the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves in Idaho, was passed by the legislature earlier this year and became law in March.
Unable to persuade Congress to pass the gun control they covet, America’s firearm restrictionists have set their eyes on another target—the banking system. In the last couple of months, their efforts have borne fruit.
One Saturday in late June, Michael Phillips fired a hadgun. He used an eyebrow to pull the trigger.
A 15-year-old Florida girl found herself fighting for her life Friday as a large and aggressive alligator chased her up a tree, literally chomping at the bit.
A mother shot a man who tried to steal her SUV while her two toddlers were still inside the vehicle in Dallas Wednesday night, police said.
Time and again national pollsters insist on reporting how NRA members and other gun owners feel about gun control. Don’t believe a word,...

Gun-free zones are less safe

  • Source: TDT News
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Last week, a disgruntled reader of the Capital Gazette in Maryland entered the newspaper office’s main entrance at around 2:30 p.m.,
The anarcho-communist group, Antifa, attacked the Patriot Prayer rally this past Saturday in Portland, Oregon.
'We hope to develop long-term relationships with lawmakers that will be beneficial when they are dealing with Second Amendment-related issues'
“I saw a deputy was in trouble, and I just acted,” said 70-year-old Sherry King, the woman who courageously intervened in a potentially life-threatening struggle between an officer and a suspect in Beaver Dam, Arizona, earlier this year.
"There is a cancer brewing in corporate America. And, and the remedy, the, is a healthy dose of the free market. And that’s why we started Gun Dynamics," said Larry Ward, the chief marketing officer of Gun Dynamics, in an interview.
The National Rifle Association of America has filed a lawsuit against the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS), New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and DFS Superintendent Maria T. Vullo alleging violations of the Association’s First Amendment rights.
As law enforcement raced to a Klamath home this morning in response to a 911 call, a man broke into the residence on Gensaw Road in Klamath and killed the person inside, said Del Norte County Sheriff Commander Bill Steven.

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